“All Gave Some; Some Gave All”
Commitment to service in the American Armed Forces by those connected to Hartland traces back to some of its early settlers who served before moving to Hartland and has continued throughout the decades in every major war, conflict or defense in the history of the United States.
Revolutionary War
Known Veterans who settled in Hartland
Thomas Huff III | c1735-c1841 | Unknown Burial Location
John Spearin |1764-1830 | Fullers Corner Cemetery
Simeon Starbird | c1750-c1830 | Unknown Burial Location
John Whiting III |1759-1846 | Fullers Corner Cemetery
Uzziel Withee, Sr |1765-1862 | Ireland Cemetery
Dr. John Warren (1755-1815), original land proprietor of Hartland, was also a decorated Revolutionary War Veteran. His older brother Dr. Joseph Warren played a leading role during the early days of the American Revolution eventually serving as President of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress before his untimely death in 1775 at The Battle of Bunker Hill.
“The Death of General Warren at The Battle of Bunker Hill – June 17, 1775” – by John Trumbull – 1834
The War of 1812
Known Veterans who settled in Hartland including those settled in the part of West Hartland ceded to Canaan in 1849
Benjamin Chase, Sr | 1791-1874 | Browns Corner Cemetery
Benjamin Church | 1766-1813 | Died In Service | Unknown Burial Location
Ezekiel Dunlap | 1797-c1872 | Skowhegan Cemetery
Isaiah Elliott |1792-1860 | Ireland Cemetery
William Harvey II |1777-1853 | Ireland Cemetery
Thomas Marsh, Sr |1776-1870 | Fullers Corner Cemetery
James Morrill | 1788-1856 | Fullers Corner Cemetery
Edward Page, Jr |1780-1855 | Ireland Cemetery
Samuel Pennell |1788-1866 | Fullers Corner Cemetery
Jason Prescott | 1794-1883 | Ireland Cemetery
Thomas Tripp |1789-1885 | Ireland Cemetery
Uriah Spearin |1792-1865 | Fullers Corner Cemetery
Jonas Wheeler |1789-1866 | Nevens Cemetery
Israel Woodbury, Sr | 1791-c1880 | Unknown Burial Location
Maine State Militia
Soon after its acceptance into the Union as a State on March 15, 1820, Maine’s 1st Governor William King called for the formation of a State Militia on June 20th requiring the enrollment of able-bodied men throughout the state to receive monthly training and participate locally in an Annual Muster Day. The State Militia method had been set in place across the existing States after the War of 1812 and was intended to compliment the relatively small existing federal forces should the need arise.
State Militia General Orders – June 20, 1820
As early as 1821, Town Meeting reports show Hartland heeded the call to enroll its able-bodied men and meet the requirements of monthly training and an Annual Muster Day funded by the town for $50. While the Annual Hartland Muster Day adhered to state requirements in general, the reports show they were sometimes as much of a local social gathering as an application in actual military exercises. An 1826 report notes the town voted “that the soldiers be found with a good dinner and a gill of rum.”
No individual Roll Calls or Service Records have been found however minutes from these early meetings indicate there was at least one company of local State Militia in Hartland who drilled on a regular basis led by Ambrose Finson. Mr. Finson also hosted the Annual Muster Day at his homestead in West Hartland on several occasions.
State Militia Companies were organized in almost every town throughout Maine from 1820 through 1860. Many remained intact and active for decades however their military effectiveness would be greatly challenged at the outbreak of The Civil War as noted below.
A circa 1861 article of State Militia Muster Days in Hartland reprinted by the Lewiston Evening Journal in 1916.
Lewiston Evening Journal – February 11, 1916 (Reprint)
The Civil War
“The long reign of peace had rendered military organizations unnecessary, and the opening of hostilities in 1861 found the militia of Maine in a neglected and unprepared condition. There was an enrolled but unarmed militia of about 60,000 men, and not more than 1,200 of these were in a condition to respond to any sudden call to arms in the emergencies contemplated by the Constitution of the State.” – History of the Union Army
Recruitment Poster – 1861
Volunteer Service Enlistment
This early standardized form issued by the U. S. War Department was typically used for Union recruits as they were mustered into service in-person at one of the various regiment organizing places. The form, which evolved slightly during the course of the war, provided several personal details including their age, birth place, current residence, original enlistment date and which town they had committed their enlistment for quota purposes. Their signed sworn and accepted obligations of service were followed up by a physical examination and an inspection by a Recruiting Officer as noted. Some, but not all, included their immediate regiment assignments.
Plummer T. Haskell (1839-1876) | Assigned to 16th Maine Infantry, Company A
The Civil War involved upwards of 100 men with direct connections to Hartland including several native residents who had moved away before the war began and enlisted in other parts of the country. At least 20 of these men would never return home alive. There were also numerous men from other towns who enlisted in Hartland; some to capture the enlistment bounty being offered. A number of men who had lived and enlisted in other towns moved to Hartland following the war where many of them remained the rest of their lives. A compilation of these individuals connected to Hartland including their known birth, death, regiment, muster history and interment is presented below.
Hartland in The Civil War Report (pending)
Maine’s overall commitment and sacrifice to The Civil War was as great as any Union State with upwards of 80,000 men serving in various military branches over the course of the war. Estimates of some 9,000 men from Maine died during the war with thousands more wounded or inflicted with diseases which would plague them for the rest of their lives. A compilation of these individual units from Maine including their known muster history, service record and unit mortality is presented below as a reference to the regiments noted above which the men of Hartland served with during the war.
Maine in The Civil War Report (pending)
Of the many Hartland men who never returned home, 21yr old Almon C. Starbird & 30yr old Dudley Annis, Jr who were both serving with the 3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry, Co. B were declared Missing in Action following The Battle of The Wilderness in the dense underbrush of Spotsylvania County, Virginia on May 5-7, 1864.
Battle of The Wilderness – Spotsylvania County, Virginia – May 5-7, 1864
A general timeline of major battles and related events of The Civil War as compiled by the National Park Service is included below as a cross reference to the involvement of various regiments noted above which the men of Hartland served with during the course of the war.
Civil War Pensions
The complete history of the Civil War Pension Plan is complex with multiple changes made throughout the course of its existence. While not explained in detail here, its function was a widely common piece of support for upwards of 2 million qualified Civil War Union Soldiers. In very general terms, Union pensions first began in 1862 for those eligible Soldiers who were disabled as a result of their service. The pension amount depended on their rank and injury but the first payments for a disabled Private began at just $8 a month. Dependents such as widows, children or parents of soldiers who were killed in duty were also eligible to apply for pensions. Numerous changes were made over the years concerning the definition of ‘disabled’, qualifying applicants and increased pension amounts; the latter later used during the war for recruiting purposes.
Most of the surviving Civil War Veterans of Hartland would eventually apply for a pension for their respective disability as an invalid often followed, when applicable, by a claim by their widow upon their death. Several claims were also made by widows or by parents of those unmarried men from Hartland who did not survive the war. Pension records, as seen in these examples of Hartland Soldiers below, typically included their name, Regiment(s) service, date(s) of claim(s), State filed and, when applicable, their dependent’s name upon their death.
Civil War Invalid Pension for Morrill Annis (1832-1892). His Death Pension later filed by his widow Susan (Woodbury) Annis
Civil War Death Pension for Dudley Annis, Jr (1834-1864). Missing In Action filed by his widow Anna (Coulehan) Annis
1890 U. S. Federal Census – Special Civil War Veterans Addendum
Most of the 1890 U. S. Federal Census was destroyed, however a Special Schedule for surviving Civil War Veterans or their widows was saved. The separate form asked several questions including Rank, Regiment, Company, Service Dates and any recurring health issues. Not all of these Veterans, nor those deceased as noted by their widows, had enlisted in Hartland but had served from other towns and were living or had lived in Hartland following the war and in some cases, only the widow had moved to Hartland. Many men who had lived or enlisted in Hartland at the time of the war had moved to other towns or states.
Although the war had ended 25 years before, disabilities from injuries or ongoing symptoms from disease shown in the section at the bottom reveal most of these men suffered long after from the harsh and brutal conditions they endured during their service.
Although no local chapter in Hartland was ever established, the gravestones of Civil War Veterans interred in Hartland were memorialized with bronze “GAR 32” markers placed by the Grand Army of the Republic Goodwin Post No. 32 of St. Albans which was formally organized on February 8, 1881 by R. L. Howard. It began with 15 members with Calvin Bigelow named as its first Post Commander. The post was named in honor of St. Albans native George W. Goodwin who enlisted with the 20th Maine Infantry Regiment, Company F on August 29, 1862 and died in service at Falmouth, Virginia on December 30, 1862 at the age of 23. (Photo courtesy of St. Albans Historical Society)
Members of G.A.R. Goodwin Post No. 32 at Camp Benson Annual Reunion in Newport
Whether born and raised in Hartland, registered for service in Hartland, registered for service in other Towns or States and/or moved to Hartland following their service, these men & women proudly served their country in the United States Armed Forces. Please note we continue to update these listings as new information is discovered and welcome any additions or corrections via our Contact Us page.
Spanish-American War
Ernest Duncan | Perley Emery | Howard Penney | Almon Soule
(Died in Service)
World War I
Carl Baird | James Bowen | Joseph Buker | Harry Buzzell | Frederick Carlson | Elmer Chase | Clyde Cookson, Sr
Raymond Coolen | Justin Cooley | Harold Corson | Linwood Currier | Arnold Davis | Mervin Dore | Erroll Emery | Jesse Farnum
Frank Fellow | Frederick Fuller | Vincent Goforth | Milton Goodwin | Justin Goodwin | Frank Greene | Harold Heath
Harry Henderson | Sandy Hersey | John Hogan | Fred Hubbard | Meddie King | Christopher Linn | Clyde Linn
Otho Linn | Willis Linn | John Lyons | Albert Marr | Cecil McNally | Ivory McNally | Merrill Moore | Harold Norton
Charles Nutter | George Nutter | Harold Nutting | Horace Packard | Frank Palmer | Mark Perkins | Milo Richards
Desmond Robinson | Jesse Russell | Ivan Small | William Smith | Guy Soule | James Staples | Earl Steeves
Scott Tracy | Everett Vanadestine | Lewis Violette | Edward Walker | Chester Ward | Vernon Webber
Harold Wheeler | Raleigh Wheeler | Olney Wilbur | John Withee | Wilbur Worth | Melvin Wyman
(Updates Pending)
World War II
(List Pending)
(Missing or Killed in Action)
Citizens who remained at home during World War II supported their troops abroad with rubber & metal collections, gas rations and even automobile mileage rations. Food rations for items such as meat, butter and canned milk were issued throughout the country with sugar being the first and last commodity to be rationed for the war effort.
National World War II Ad Campaign (Photo courtesy of Library of Congress)
The citizens of Hartland did their part contributing scrap metal, tires and rubber collected at Warren Square.
Hartland Metal, Tire & Rubber Collection – Warren Square
Samples of Gas and Mileage Rationing used by Hartland native Gladys Salisbury.
World War II Rations (Courtesy of Virginia Salisbury Tucker)
Korean War
(List Pending)
(Missing or Killed in Action)
Vietnam War
(List Pending)
(Missing or Killed in Action)
The commitment by Hartland citizens and their descendants living in other towns and states to serve their country continued through modern day conflicts with many enlisted in active service today.
~ National Veteran Observances ~
The exact origin of Memorial Day, often referred to early as Decoration Day, remains unclear with the U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs recognizing some 25 places claiming to have originated the holiday in the United States as far back as 1861. Regardless of its origin, honoring and mourning the military personnel who died while serving likely existed before the end of the Civil War and eventually became a Federal Holiday. (Compiled from Wikipedia Article)
Newspaper articles of the time note Memorial Day was observed in Hartland as early as the mid-1880s. References to publicly fund annual services are found throughout decades of Town Reports including an early example from 1903; “Article 33 – To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise for Memorial Day Services.”
Memorial Day Services at Warren Square – 1919
Hartland Memorial Day Parade – 1946
Hartland Memorial Day Parade – 1959
Hartland Memorial Day Parade – 1969
Hartland Memorial Day – 2020 (Covid-19 Protocol)
Two other days celebrate those who have served or are serving in the U.S. military include Armed Forces Day, an unofficial U. S. holiday for honoring those currently serving in the Armed Forces, and Veterans Day which honors those who have served in the Armed Forces.
~ Hartland American Legion ~
The American Legion is an organization of United States War Veterans made up of State, U. S. Territory and Overseas Departments and in turn made up of local Posts. The organization was formed on March 15, 1919 in Paris, France by Officers and Men of the American Expeditionary Forces and was chartered on September 16, 1919 by the United States Congress. (Compiled from Wikipedia Article)
An application for a Post of The American Legion in Hartland was signed by local World War I Veterans on May 23, 1930. They requested to be known as Christopher G. Linn Post #141. Christopher G. Linn (1888-1926) was born and raised in Hartland and served in World War I with the 28th Army Infantry. Christopher is a son of Robert Wilson Linn, Sr and a grandson of Archibald Linn. The Legion’s first home was located in the Village but the exact location is currently unknown however they are referenced in several Town Reports from the time.
Hartland American Legion Post Application – 1930
(Courtesy of John Hikel)
On October 11, 1937 the American Legion Post #141 Women’s Auxiliary was organized and chartered with 15 Charter Members. Crystal (McPheters) Goforth, wife of Legion Charter Member Vincent Goforth, was the first elected President. Along with assisting the local Hartland Legion Post, their many other projects included sponsoring girls to attend Dirigo State, gathering Christmas gifts for local needy children, making Memorial Wreaths, assisting Veterans at Togus Hospital and honoring Hartland’s Veterans.
One of the many fund raising events organized by the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary over the years was a “Gala Nite & Cabaret” held at the Hartland Opera House on May 13, 1938. The entire original program of the evening’s event may be seen on the link below:
American Legion Gala Program May 13, 1938
~ World War I & World War II Hartland Honor Roll ~
In late summer of 1944, the Hartland Volunteer Fire Department sponsored construction of an Honor Roll for Hartland World War I & World War II Veterans which was placed in front of the bandstand at Warren Square. A special dedication was held to unveil the new Honor Roll on Sunday, September 10, 1944 as well as a Gold Star ceremony for the men who had lost their lives in service.
Morning Sentinel – September 9, 1944
The then Christopher G. Linn American Legion Post #141 led the procession of Veterans and Active Servicemen from various military branches down Academy Street to Warren Square for the Honor Roll Dedication and Gold Star Ceremony.
Honor Roll Ceremony procession on Academy Street heading to Warren Square
Hartland Boy Scout Troop await the Honor Roll Ceremony
Hartland Minutemen arriving at Honor Roll Ceremony
Hartland Minutemen in front of Baptist Church at Honor Roll Ceremony
Preceding the Honor Roll Dedication Ceremony, a Gold Star Presentation was conducted for members of the families of Donlin McCormack, Arthur Sherburne, Norman Steeves and Clarence Walker who were Killed or Missing in Action during World War II. Absent for the ceremony were the family of Rendall Phinney who had moved from the area by this time.
(L-R): Charlotte Gordan (former fiancee’ of Clarence Walker) | Vivian Sherburne (Mother of Arthur Sherburne)
Elsie McCormack (Mother of Donlin McCormack) | Nina Steeves (Aunt of Norman Steeves)
Citizens on Commercial Street awaiting the Honor Roll Ceremony
Honor Roll Ceremony Opening
Honor Roll Ceremony Opening
Honor Roll Unveiled
Honor Roll
Veterans from Military Branches behind Honor Roll
Citizens in front of the Honor Roll
Honor Roll
It is to be noted the Honor Roll Listing was based specifically on those who physically registered in Hartland for service and did not include any men or women who registered in another town or state.
Close-up of Honor Roll
The top of the Honor Roll was donated to the Hartland Historical Society who in turn returned it to the Hartland Volunteer Fire Department.
Hartland Volunteer Fire Department Emblem from the Honor Roll
In the Fall of 1950, the new Hartland Consolidated School on Elm Street was completed and all Hartland Elementary Grade classes were moved to the new school. The former schoolhouse on Pleasant Street was purchased later that year from the town by the Hartland Christopher G. Linn American Legion Post #141.
Hartland American Legion Post #141 Hall – Pleasant Street – 1970
In 1951, the Legion’s name was changed by its members to Steeves-McCormack American Legion Post #141 in honor of two of Hartland’s men who were Killed In Action in World War II; Norman Steeves & Donlin McCormack. Following almost a century of use as a schoolhouse then as an American Legion Hall, the building was razed in 2003 and is currently a vacant lot.
Former Steeves-McCormack American Legion Hartland Post #141 Hall – Pleasant Street – 1984
The Steeves-McCormack American Legion Post #141 of Hartland has served the needs and interests of Veterans since their inception in 1930 and faithfully continue their mission today. They have been active organizers and participants of local Veteran observances for decades and every year hundreds of American Flags are placed on Veteran gravestones in Hartland by members of the Post.
~ Veteran Granite Monument ~
Unfortunately, the wooden Veteran Honor Roll placed at Warren Square in 1944 was unable to withstand the forces of nature and had badly deteriorated by the mid-1960s and was removed. In 1968, a granite monument was set in its place by the Steeves-McCormack American Legion Post #141 in tribute to all the men and women of Hartland who served in the Armed Forces.
Veteran Monument at Warren Square – 1995
~ Veteran Memorial Granite Benches ~
Two new granite Veteran Memorial Benches were later added at the Bandstand. The benches were donated by the Galen Cole Foundation and the Cole Land Transportation Museum of Bangor. Several businesses and individuals donated to the effort including: Elmer & Beatrice Littlefield – Project Coordinators; E. W. Littlefield & Sons – Equipment & Materials; Hammond Lumber of Skowhegan – Insulation; Haley Construction – Crushed Stone & Concrete; Dave Bowden & Crew – Placing & Finishing Concrete; Edwin W. Littlefield & Christopher Littlefield – Time and Labor.
Town Manager Peggy Morgan, Elmer Littlefield, Chris Littlefield & Dwayne Littlefield
(Photo by Brenda Seekins)
~ Hayden Veteran Memorial Park ~
In 2018, Steeves-McCormack American Legion Post #141 began privately raising funds to construct a Veterans Memorial Flag Display on Pleasant Street. Initial plans for the display featured the American flag with 6 additional flags honoring all branches of the Military including Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines.
Eventually, a POW-MIA flag was added as well as a new memorial bench, a new Honor Roll monument and the Cole memorial granite benches from the Bandstand. Most of the funds needed had been raised by late 2019 and the bulk of the required materials were purchased. Construction on the new display began in the Spring of 2020 with volunteer labor by numerous residents and the support of local businesses and groups. It was officially named Hayden Veteran Memorial Park during opening ceremonies.
Construction of Veterans Memorial Flag Display – May 2020
Construction of Veterans Memorial Flag Display – June 2020
Construction of Veterans Memorial Flag Display – June 2020
Construction of Veterans Memorial Flag Display – July 2020
Construction of Veterans Memorial Flag Display – July 2020
Construction of Veterans Memorial Flag Display – August 2020
On September 5, 2020, the Steeves-McCormack American Legion Post #141 Veterans Memorial Flag Display was ceremoniously dedicated as Hayden Park in honor of Korean War Veteran Durwood L. Hayden (1935-2020) who served as Legion Post #141 Commander for 30 years.
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony – September 5, 2020
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony – Honor Roll & Memorial Bench – September 5, 2020
Unlike the old Warren Square Honor Roll, which only included the men and women who physically registered for service in Hartland, the new Honor Roll also includes those who resided in Hartland during their lifetime or following their service but had registered in another town or state.
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony – Honor Roll (Front) – September 5, 2020
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony – Honor Roll (Back) – September 5, 2020
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony – New Memorial Bench – September 5, 2020
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park Dedication Ceremony – Veterans Group Photo – September 5, 2020
Hayden Veteran Memorial Park – 2020