The 16th United States Federal Census was taken for Hartland, Maine between April 2nd and April 27th of 1940
Click below for enlargeable Census Pages:
Part 1 – 1940 U. S. Census for Hartland – Page 1 to Page 8
Part 2 – 1940 U. S. Census for Hartland – Page 9 to Page 16
Part 3 – 1940 U. S. Census for Hartland – Page 17 to Page 24
Part 4 – 1940 U. S. Census for Hartland – Page 25 to Page 33
Transcribed below this sample page from the 1940 Census are Categories, Instructions and Questions asked for each Household.
1. Street, Avenue, Road, etc.
2. House Number (In Cities & Towns)
3. Number of Household in Order of Visitation
4. Home Owned (O) or Rented (R)
5. Value of Home, if owned, or Monthly Rental, if rented
6. Does this Household live on a farm? (Yes or No)
7. Name
Name of each person whose usual residence on April 1, 1940 was in this household
Persons temporarily absent from household. Write “AB” after names of such persons
Children under 1 year of age. Write Infant if child has not been given a first name
Enter “X” after person furnishing information
8. Relation
Relationship of this person to the Head of Household as wife, daughter, father, mother-in-law, grandson, lodger, lodger’s wife, servant, etc.
9. Sex, Male (M), Female (F)
10. Color or Race
11. Age at Last Birthday
Children under 1 year entered in Months; 2/12, 3/12, 4/12, etc.
12. Marital Status
Single (S), Married (M), Widowed (Wd), Divorced (D)
13. Attended School or College anytime since March 1, 1940? (Yes or No)
14. Highest Grade of School Completed
None (0), 1st to 8th Grade (1, 2, 3, etc), High School (H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4), College (C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4), College (5th or sequential year)
15. Place of Birth
If born in the United States, give State, Territory or Possession
If Foreign born, give country in which birthplace was situated as of January 1, 1937
Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-English and Irish Free State from Northern Ireland
16. Citizenship of the Foreign Born
Naturalized (NA), Having First Papers (PA), Alien (AL), American Citizen Born Abroad (AmCit)
17. City, Town or Village having 2,500 or more inhabitants. Enter “R” for all other places.
For a person who, on April 1, 1935, was living in the same house as at present, enter in Column 17 “Same House” and for one living in a different house but in the same City or Town, enter “Same Place” leaving Columns 18, 19 and 20 blank in both instances
For a person who lived in a different place, enter City or Town, County and State as directed in instructions. Enter actual place of residence which may differ from mail address
18. County
19. State (or Territory of Foreign Country)
20. On a Farm? (Yes or No)
21. Was this person at work for pay or profit in Private or Non-Emergency Government work during Week of March 24-30? (Yes or No)
22. If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, Public Emergency Work (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during Week of March 24-30? (Yes or No)
23. Was this person seeking work? (Yes or No)
For persons entering “NO” in Columns 21 and 22
24. If not seeking work, did he have a job, business, etc.? (Yes or No)
For persons entering “NO” in Columns 21 and 22
25. Indicate whether engaged in Home Housework (H), in School (S), Unable to Work (U) or Other (Ot)
For persons entering “NO” in Column 21, 22, 23 and 24
26. Number of Hours Worked during Week of March 24-30, 1940?
For persons entering “Yes” in Column 21
27. Duration of Unemployment up to Week March 30, 1940 – In Weeks
For persons entering “Yes” in Column 22 or 23
28. Occupation; Trade, Profession or Particular Type of Work
Occupation, Industry and Class of Worker For a Person at Work, Assigned to Public Emergency Work or with a Job (For persons entering “Yes” in Column 21, 22 or 24) enter present Occupation, Industry and Class of Worker
For a person seeking work (“Yes” in Column 23): a) if he has previous work experience enter last Occupation, Industry and Class of Worker; or b) if he does not have previous work experience, enter “New Worker” in Column 28 and leave Column 29 and 30 Blank
29. Industry; Industry or Business
30. Class of Worker
Wage or Salary Worker in Private (PW), Wage or Salary Worker in Government Work (GW), Employer (E), Working on Own Account (OA), Unpaid Family Worker (NP)
31. Number of Weeks worked in 1939
32. Amount of Money Wages or Salary received (including Commissions)
Income in 1939 -12 Months ending December 31, 1939
33. Did this person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary? (Yes or No)
34. Number of Farm Schedule
In addition to the 34 Standard Questions, 16 more Supplementary Questions were asked of persons listed on Line 2 and Line 6 of each Census Page. The Supplementary Questions are seen on the bottom of each Census page above.